
Video 12 of 30
1 min 52 sec

The EpiPen is an auto-injector that administers adrenaline and is carried by people who suffer from anaphylaxis so that it can be used if the person goes into anaphylactic shock.

There are two types of EpiPen, the EpiPen and the EpiPen Junior. To avoid accidents and prevent damaging the EpiPen, they should always be kept in their case when not in use.  There are easy to read instructions down the side of each pen and these should be read to make sure you use it correctly.

The blue cap shows you the top of the EpiPen, this is the safety cap that makes sure that the needle does not come out when not in use. Once removed, the unit is live. The cap can be replaced without the EpiPen being used; however, you must do so carefully as you could inject yourself accidentally with the adrenaline.

When using an EpiPen, you should first remove it from its case. Then lie down with your legs slightly raised to keep blood flowing, or if breathing is difficult then just sit down.

Remove the safety cap and gently push the auto-injector into the thigh. This can be done through clothing, but make sure that the needle will not go through any thick seams in the clothes or anything in a pocket.

Once the needle has hit, hold it in place for 3 seconds and then remove it. Stay where you are until the emergency services arrive, if you are treating someone and they are unconscious, place them in the recovery position.  

When the EpiPen has been used, a needle cover will appear automatically over the needle, to prevent any needle injuries. The used EpiPen should be given to the emergency services after use so that they can see exactly what has been administered to the patient, and they can also dispose of it properly. Should a second dose be required, repeat the process, and make sure that you give both to the emergency services.