Checking Auto Injector and Expiry Dates

Video 18 of 30
1 min 32 sec

It is important to check your auto-injector to ensure that it's in date, undamaged and it has been stored correctly to ensure that it's fit for use when needed. Check the expiry date printed on the auto-injector to make sure that it has not expired or, if it is close to expiring, make sure you've ordered a replacement from your doctor. Most manufacturers of auto-injectors have an expiry notification service where you enter the expiry date of a unit as soon as you receive it and then they send you an email or a text when they are needing to be replaced. Carry out a visual inspection to ensure that nothing is damaged and, depending on the brand, you may also be able to see the solution to ensure that it hasn't changed in appearance. Many brands are stored in UV protection cases to prevent them from damage from the sun. Ensure you store your auto-injector within the temperature ranges of the brand. This means not storing it where it can get very hot, like in a car in summer, or very cold where it could freeze in winter. Always keep your auto-injector in the case it comes with to protect it from damage. If you have a second auto-injector or units kept at different locations, make sure you always check these at the same time. If you detect any problems with your auto-injector ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. It's very important to always make sure that they are ready for use to make sure that they're effective in treating an anaphylactic reaction.