Medical ID tags for allergies

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2 min 37 sec

When you are dealing with a patient, one big problem you have is finding out what existing medical conditions they have, so the use of ID tags can be really really helpful.

So these can be built into different sections, we've got an example of some here, but the first ones we've got are general medical tags. So with these, you can write general medical information down and this one here is one where you'd actually write on a card and you insert that card into the strap and then you can just wear that around your wrist. There are others which are a rubber band type and on the inside you can write medical information but on there always use a pen that is permanent. Do not use one that will easily rub off. And there are lots of other general ones you can have which could be metal ones, necklaces or, metal bracelets around the wrist.

You can then have ones that are specific to the individual condition they have so, for example, we've got some here which are for anaphylaxis. So these would be in the form of a rubber band and they would be something that an adult or a child could wear and they come in different sizes. So, if you've got a child with a small wrist you can have a smaller one on them and on these they literally state this person has got anaphylaxis so it doesn't actually say on that band what they have got an allergy to but on this one on the inside you can see they've got a little band and you can actually write what the person is allergic to. There are others which are this type which is the clip around the wrist. This one in particular is a child one which clips around their wrist and on the inside you can put the medical data as well on there. Other ways of identifying with anaphylaxis we've got keyrings which will hook on to maybe a case where their auto-injector is and also there are little stickers the child could wear or they could have them on their books or things like that, and at least that tells them what they're allergic to. This particular one says that they're allergic to tree nuts and peanuts.

Other ones you can have are unique to individual conditions. So here we've got two which are for people with diabetes and again they can put emergency contact details on the inside and this one here says that the person has epilepsy so, if you're dealing with something you need to look out for all types of ID bracelet whether this type or whether the metal type because you're not necessarily going to know what's wrong with that person. If someone's feeling unwell and maybe they're unable to talk to you then you would know that they have got that relevant condition. An example of this very good one would be somebody who has a seizure, you are not sure whether they are having this seizure for the first time but if they're wearing a medical alert bracelet you would know this person suffers from epilepsy.